RE Moratorium E-Petition Qld

MORATORIUM ON RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS Eligibility - Queensland residents 18th June, 2024 By Carolyn Emms, Rainforest Reserves Australia, Source; Share this E-Petition  Sign this E-Petition TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House there are approximately 4,000 wind turbines … Continue reading RE Moratorium E-Petition Qld

S.A. Off-shore Zone E-Petition

12th September, 2023 The Southern Coast Ocean Care group have an e-petition that closes on October 5th. Sign Petition EN5394 - To Oppose Port MacDonnell offshore wind zone This petition opposes the current proposal from the Commonwealth Minister for Climate Change and Energy to create a designated area in Australian Commonwealth waters in the Southern Ocean off the … Continue reading S.A. Off-shore Zone E-Petition