Call to Object to Hills of Gold WF


Resident and landholder group Hills of Gold Preservation Inc asks for the wind farm network’s help by writing an objection to the Hills of Gold Wind Farm, Nundle/Hanging Rock, near Tamworth, north west NSW. 

The group has a petition signed by the majority of the local community opposing the proposal. This has been lodged with the NSW Parliament.

As you would be aware you can object online using this link (which also includes the EIS and Appendices):

And the tab on the right hand side Make a Submission.

You need to use a Service NSW email/password if you have one, or create an account.

If you prefer you can send a hard copy of your submission.

There are instructions on the Hills of Gold Preservation Inc website:

An objection letter template follows.

I include a link to our recent newsletter that outlines some of the points we’ve picked up so far. It can be downloaded here

We also have a Facebook page

Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.

Best regards,

Hills of Gold Preservation Inc


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