Paddock Data Misuse- Lesson 19

Wind Farm Living has collated a series “Educating the Lawyers” and suggest this information may be freely used as needed, e.g. in a letter box drop.

Lesson 19: They will use Paddock Data Against You

17th June, 2024


Hi, all Wind Farm Living Lawyers,

RE: Urgent Advice Update for the Lawyers

As you know, wind farms are shit scared of raw data.

They know they can’t defend the company at trial against the truth of the raw data and the truth of the fraudulently falsified calculations.

The only way the wind farms can get around the truth of the noise is to use paddock loggers.

Because, as you also know, paddock loggers allow wind farm acousticians to corruptly falsify the noise levels.

Wind farms will try every excuse to use paddock loggers.

They will say the neighbour would not consent to noise testing at their home, so they had to use paddock loggers. (Alternative monitoring locations).

They can do this because, in Victoria, the EPA has made it law.

So the updated advice is as follows:

  1. Advise your clients (neighbours) to allow the wind farm full access to the house yard to collect the data ..BUT
  2. Nevel let them put a logger in a paddock.!! NEVER – EVER
  3. Advise them that it is imperative they obtain their own background data – preferably side-by-side with the wind farm when it does its testing.   
  4. Tell them, if they don’t have their own background data – it will cost them more at the legal end.

So tell your clients to give the wind farm full access to the house yard – let the wind farm dig its own grave – the raw data and calculations will come out through discovery. (at Trial).

That’s if it will ever get to trial because as you know, the dodgier the wind farm – the less likely the wind farm will want to go to trial – and the more likely they will settle on the steps.

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